Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thesis/Dissertation Simplified – Learn how Dissertation and Thesis are Different

How can you write your Thesis/Dissertation when you don’t know the difference between a dissertation and thesis? How can you write your thesis/dissertation if you don’t know the difference between a thesis/dissertation and thesis statement? How can you write your thesis/dissertation if you don’t know the difference between a Master’s and PhD thesis/dissertation?

The answer to all these questions is, “You can’t write your thesis/dissertation, PERIOD”. It is because you simply can’t write when you don’t know what to write. Let’s now learn how they differ from each other:

Dissertation and Thesis – How do they differ?
The difference between a dissertation and thesis is fairly simple:

If you are in the US: You write a dissertation if you are doing your PhD and you write a thesis if you are in Master’s program.

If you are in the UK: You write a thesis if you are doing your PhD and you write a dissertation if you are in Master’s program.

Thesis/Dissertation and Thesis Statement – How do they differ?
As we now know how dissertation and thesis differ, we now need to understand what a thesis statement is in order to know the difference between a thesis/dissertation and thesis statement.

A thesis statement defines your main argument. It shows what you believe, what you want you readers to know and what you want to prove. It basically states your point of view and summarizes your argument you will make in your paper. It is usually stated in one sentence after a brief introduction.

Master’s and PhD Thesis/Dissertation – How do they differ?
Master’s Thesis/Dissertation: You do a thorough research on a particular topic and present your discourse depending on what type of information you have collected on the subject with your views on it.

PhD Thesis/Dissertation: It requires your original research and adds something new to the existing literature. It usually takes many years to complete it.
So, you have now understood the difference between a dissertation and thesis, thesis/dissertation and thesis statement & Master’s and PhD thesis/dissertation. The words Dissertation and thesis are, however, often used interchangeably so make sure you know what you have to write.

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